OK, so we see Halloween candy everywhere already, which means that the
holidays are upon us! If we are lucky, we maintain an awareness of the power of love and gratitude year-round, and if we have forgotten, this season nudges us to awaken and remember to be thankful and generously acknowledge those who add meaning to our lives.
It seems the speed of life has amped up again. Demands increase since kids have returned to school and the focus returns to work. Many adult humans got to experience some version of a summer break, and now we all feel the loss of summer weather with the sense that winter weather is just around the corner, perhaps after one last blast of Indian summer.
My summer adventure was not outward to far-away places, but inward to deep places that broke my heart fully open to savor every final moment with my dear friend, Marye. I spent the last couple of years on a cancer journey with her, and these final summer months my time was focused on hospicing her and being fully present with her in her last days, holding her as she passed.Â
Work becomes so unimportant when someone is dying. Responsibilities get put to the side and priorities shift. Now, with lessons learned, it seems time again to pick up where I left off, although not really. I was stretched and expanded by my experience of loss, and the gift
Marye left with me was a heightened awareness that my work has a worthwhile purpose. Its primary intention is to spread the power and energy of love, honest and vulnerable connections and collaboration, and an unwavering awareness that every moment matters.
What I experienced on my summer vacation with Marye reminded me of a few essential beliefs and insights we held in common that I am compelled to share with you to make the world a little easier place to be at a time that it feels upside-down.
Love is the answer to every question… eventually. Always. Loving ‘what is’ as if it is a child that needs your attention saves precious energy. Life is short and precious. Don’t waste a moment of it. What you resist, persists. Don’t dwell on the past you can not change, or the future that may not happen the way you imagine. Spend time in stillness and allow answers to emerge from there. To be free, let go of your old story. Give AND receive generously. Trust that we are more alike than different and focus on common ground. Believe there is enough, you are enough, and uplift us all through collaboration, not competition. Live love and a verb. Forgive quickly. Don’t give your power over to fear. Be grateful for everything, even the messy stuff. Be open to everything, and attached to nothing. Be authentic, honest, and kind. Look for miracles and blessings, even in the most bittersweet moments. Trust that love transcends time and space. You may have your fears, but don’t let your fears have you. It is best to make friends with uncertainty because control is an illusion.
Despite our differences, we all share one thing in common. We are all born, and we will all die. No one gets out of this lifetime alive!
I know the power that comes from daring to live fully. Every moment can be meaningful. I have built now only my personal life, but my work life around this knowing.
I have created many meaningful products, some of them with Marye, designed to spread the power of love and make every moment matter. You can find them
If one calls to you, gift yourself. We so often tend to put ourselves last.
And, if you have someone special in your life that you would like to acknowledge, don’t wait. Gift them with something special.
I promise there is nothing but love in every product.