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Rhonda Hull

5 Keys to a More Joy-FULL Life – Key #5: Embrace the ‘Blessons’

5 Keys to a More Joy-FULL Life – Key #5: Embrace the ‘Blessons’

Dear %$firstname$%,

It is hard to accept, but even in what seems to be the worst situations there are blessings and gifts awaiting you! Greater peace is yours when you are willing to love what is, even if the opportunity to grow comes in a challenging and painful package.

Our most important insights and memorable ‘ah-ha’s’ often come hidden in the hardest times that test us the most. This makes them difficult to recognize and even harder to welcome.

‘Blessons’ (blessings+lessons) become more apparent when you are willing stop fighting against your circumstances, for what you resist, persists.

Treasured gifts are yours when you dare to hold life with a looser grip, become flexible enough to learn from whatever the situation, and accept that control is merely an illusion. Change is the only thing that is certain. Greater peace is yours if you foster the habit to awaken each morning and begin your day, making your decisions and guiding your thoughts as if the Universe is friendly. You become truly free when you realize this.

We all put so much effort into trying to stay in our comfort zone. We want so much for life to be easy and free of bumps, however deep and meaningful happiness happens at the edge of your comfort zone, not in it.

The most challenging things in my life are what have taught me the most. Happiness hidden in the most unlikely places has offered me the most valuable insights I otherwise would have overlooked. It is life’s bitter-sweet challenges that have made me more conscious, willing to be involved in life rather than a victim, deeply aware that life is precious, I am a co-creator, and certain that every moment matters.

What if you showed up as if each hardship or obstacle had hidden gifts and searched for them rather than cursed them? What if you looked for the ‘blessons’ rather than use your precious energy complaining? Those who are willing to embrace and apply the the hard-earned lessons gain durable blessings and deep joy beyond measure. They are the ones who know that happiness is deep and abiding.

Be grateful for everything, good and bad. Become thankful for everything. Don’t just mouth the words of gratitude, but feel them deep in your core. Especially important is to welcoming the emotions that burst forth as a creative force, there to show you how deeply magnificent you are.

By following this and the other 4 ways to stay positive everyday will certainly benefit you and others around you.

Joy-fully each and every ‘blesson,’

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