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Rhonda Hull

A Love Letter

If you are reading this letter it is because you have in some way deeply touched my heart this year, and for this I am so very grateful.

Every year comes with its blessings, however it has been a year of huge twists and turns for so many. Our weighted breath accompanies our year-end review that includes reflecting on our own health challenges, losses, and disappoint-ments. We also are touched by the heartache and struggle experienced within our immediate circle of family and friends we love, and we all have been shak-en to our core by the insanity, poverty and disasters experienced around the globe. If only we could remember more consistently, consciously and confi-dently that we live on a round planet where there are no sides.

We are all One family. Kind people far out-number the disillusioned and de-ranged who through their misguided choices make it even more essential that we remain committed to embodying the belief that love is the answer to every question.

My heart aches that we continue to see war and violence as an answer. It was just over 100 years ago that peace was unofficially and courageously declared under horrific circumstances one Christmas Eve by opposing sides when one brave soldier ventured into ‘no-mans land’ on a World War I battlefield. Lis-tening to his inner guidance and prompted by love he was courageous enough to trust that the spirit of Christmas would prevail when standing on common ground. To learn more about the actual event, visit:

I was reminded of this powerful story when a dear and treasured friend and talented musician, Simon de Voil,shared with me this amazing version of a song about theChristmas Truce, My Name Is Francis Tolliver ©1984 JohnMcCutcheon/Appalsongs (ASCAP (lyrics Here is Simon’s precious rendition:

It is my hope that such peace, like the peace that was experienced by those men on that battlefield, can be chosen and sustained now by those willing to take a stand for love until we reach the tipping point. It seems to be my calling to hold the space for love and see that peace is possible. It continues to be my prayer that my grandchildren and all children can live in a world of peace and free of fear in their lifetime. Through my thoughts, actions and words I do my part to align my words and beliefs to make this real now.

We all have faith, but too often we put our faith in the power of fear rather than in love. Although it at times seems impossible to make sense of all our tragedies and worries, it is odd how as a result of them we are thrust to an val-uable choice point. In a bizarre way this makes it all make sense.

Miracles are embedded even in chaos is we are willing to focus on good. We have a choice. We either to see ourselves as a victim of such circumstances, eventually becoming a perpetrator who passes on pain because we have for-gotten we have another option, or we recognize that we are a powerful co-creator if we are willing to transform our vulnerability into courage by choos-ing to live from a place of love moment-by-moment, relentlessly choosing to be happy rather than insisting on being right.

Living life fully is often a messy process. Sometimes it takes time to grieve and stumble before we can find higher ground, but light always outshines darkness. With a willing heart our pain can be transformed to possibility and blessings. Laughter, lightheartedness, and deep meaning can be experienced even amidst unlikely circumstances. To know this truth is the door to freedom regardless of the color of our skin, our spiritual path, or where we live on this globe. We are far more alike than we are different.

It is important to acknowledge our past that includes old stories, and misbe-liefs in order to make better choices in the future, but it is essential to no longer live there. The only thing we can change about the past is how we view it. Now is the only moment we really have, and the quality of each ‘now’ moment is what determines and shapes our future.

My mom spoke the truth when she said that the older you get the faster time seems to go. It seems impossible that we sit on the threshold of 2016. The time has come again to turn the page of the calendar and begin anew.

Truthfully, we have that opportunity to begin again in any given moment and with each breath. Forgiveness makes it possible… of ourselves and others. Ra-ther than dread and expect another year of strife, be careful what you wish for. It is so very important that we consciously commit to imagining and focusing on kind and limitless possibilities if we are to expand all that is good. After all, t is our thoughts that become things. As my dear mentor, Wayne Dyer, said, “If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”

I am so very touched by and profoundly grateful for all the ways I have been blessed this year. The list goes on and on! Each night I go to bed grateful that I have enough food to eat, a warm clean place to sleep, live in an amazingly beautiful place surrounded by dear friends and loving

spiritual community, have amazing daughters and grandchildren, nieces and grandnephews, family and friends, love and learn from what I am called to do, and have so many angels who have stepped forward to uplift us all.

I have stretched, grown, and created memorable adventures by saying YES when it would have been far more reasonable to say NO. I have done this with no regrets for greater awareness and love have always been the result. I am blessed by the awareness that we are a spark of the divine, and one somehow despite differences. Struggle is optional, surrender is key.

Having had a near-death-experience years ago I know first-hand that life is brief, purposeful and precious. I know that we are Love. I know that life isn’t ‘figure-out-able.’ Believe me, I have tried! Control is only an illusion. With growing grace and willingness I remember that miracles do not come through force, but by allowing and surrendering as I lean in the direction of the greater good, following guidance prioritizing self-love.

I use an abundance of words perhaps. I am accepting that as my way. I have been called to be a bridge-person, a lover of life, a ‘percolator of possibilities,’ a non-judgmental sounding-board and flash-light holder designated to shine the light on joy and inspire the place for miracles. All of this doesn’t fit on a busi-ness card, but I know without a doubt that BEing is more important that DO-ing, and I am clear that I am here as an instrument of peace to clear the way for each of us to remember how magnificent we are simply because we breathe, and how wonderful life is even though it remains a mystery.

I am grateful that somehow my life is better because I have the tenacity to make the best of each inhale and exhale. I wobble and waiver, but struggle less because I recognize that I it is my responsibility (most days) to wake up each morning welcoming another day, blessing even my aches and pains, and con-sciously choosing to be all that I can be before my feet hit the floor, curious and open to the adventures ahead.

Without a doubt life is messy, but even in the mess there is a divine order. I of-fer my imperfect attempts laced with forgiveness, playfulness, prayer and laughter as my simple gestures of gratitude for my amazing life. I am deter-mined to link arms in mutual support with those who are committed to creat-ing a curious and courageous adventure.

If I could gift you with anything this year it would be the willingness to trust that love is the answer to every question, and the courage to live life from that perspective. Imagine how our lives might be different if we were to wake up greeting each day with the belief that the Universe is friendly regardless of our circumstances, making our decisions accordingly? How would it feel if each evening we were to fall asleep recounting our blessings with gratitude? What if we were to practice this for the next 365 days, loving ourselves in order to best serve others? What is we were to let mistakes be merely opportunities to learn and serve as reminders to course-correct. What if we linked arms with an awareness that we are connected and were to offer one another the knowing that we are not alone and need only to get up one more time than we fall? This is my vision, my calling, and my intention to make each moment matter.

I thank each of you so much for inspiring me to be a better person this year, and it is my sincere hope that in some way I have touched your life in a mean-ingful and memorable way, nudged you toward your highest and best, in-spired you to be curious and daring, or gifted you with expanded ways to rec-ognize blessings where there seem to be none.

The older I get the more I become aware that each moment is significant and now is the only moment we are guaranteed. With this awareness I have become even more committed to savoring and loving ‘what is’ by taking responsibility on my curious quest to question rules, play as if there is no box, dare greatly, laugh often, love big, and say yes to life when it beckons me. Though in the face of situations like we have experienced this year it can seem impossible to shift the tides of hate.

All I can do rather than react, is to respond to the call and call forth the faith and determination to make my life about love. Though a small act, it manifests miracles. I invite you to join me unofficially declaring peace, wherever you are, by knowing you are WONDER-FULL and by celebrating all that is good one baby step at a time.

Wishing you and yours not only Peace on Earth, but peace of mind, body, heart and soul as well, now, throughout the New Year ahead, and for as long as we get to play together in this form.

Joy-fully in Peace, Be Still,

Rhonda Hull, Ph.D. P.O. Box 1667 Port Townsend, WA 98368

P. S. I invite you, if you haven’t already, to opt-in to my website community to receive free goodies, insights, and inspiration for living life deeply and fully, making each moment matter.

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Rhonda Hull, Ph.D. P.O. Box 1667 Port Townsend, WA 98368

P. S. I invite you, if you haven’t already, to opt-in to my website community to receive free goodies, insights, and inspiration for living life deeply and fully, making each moment matter.

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