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A Nudge Toward Happiness

Rhonda Hull

Dear Treasured Traveling Companions,

‘It’s possible for you to feel happy—and that choice is yours to make at any moment.’ — Michael Neill (

I have had a horrible allergy for far too long. Perhaps you do, too. Sales and marketing have somehow seemed against my nature. I have felt that to sell or promote compromises your integrity. I have not felt comfortable in this role for as long as I can remember. I have held the belief that self-promotion is shameful and making money means that someone else goes without. Pretty limiting mis-beliefs, don’t you think?

We all have our old stories that we live as if they were true. But, they ain’t necessarily so. Realizing this, I have been on the journey of re-writing my old stories and redefining my relationship with my work, with money, and with promotion so that I can do the work that I love, live prosperously so I can be generous, and reach those whose road may become easier by my services. Sales, promotion, and prosperity can be slimy or spiritual, meaningful or maddening. I get to choose. If I want to serve and make a difference, it’s about time I get over the old limiting beliefs and make room for what makes joy possible.

I think many of us share this allergy, and in taking proactive steps toward peace, freedom, joy and success, I have included making friends with money, sales and marketing as essential to my journey. It has always been easy for me to promote those who I have been touched by, but self-promotion has had its roadblocks.

Money, promotion and success aren’t bad. They need not lead to slimy, pushy behavior. When offered with integrity and honesty, they lead instead to being a channel of service, support, and mutual gain. I can’t remember who it was that said, “Money does not make a man, but reveals him”. All I need to do is be who I authentically am as I share my passions and insights.

A friend, coach, and colleague in the field of happiness who has helped me expand my vantage point, undo my ‘nots’ and get of my ‘but’ is Michael Neill. He is an amazing writer, coach, radio host, and voice-over talent. Michael is the voice of the Villian in Scooby Doo, so he has my grandson’s deep admiration for a reason other than mine. Simply put, he is a light hearted, creative gem of a man who offers many practical gifts.

I have the authentic honor to nudge you to purchase Michael Neill’s newest book, Feel Happy Now! Feel Happy Now! is one of those books you will read more than once and return to often. It gives you a life-line to joy in turbulent times. As you Drive Yourself Happy, this is a book you will want to take along for the ride!

So, either go buy it right now (, or here’s more…

In his bestseller You Can Have What You Want, Michael Neill revealed the practical benefits of cultivating inner happiness for creating tangible real-world success. Now he reveals the “how” of happiness—simple, effective ways to make immediate and lasting changes to your moods, your outlook, and your life. Inside, you will find key formulas, experiments, and techniques to help you experience your capacity to choose and to change.

. The Myths of Happiness—I’ll be happy when…, it’s not possible to be happy in certain situations, and unhappiness is good for us

. The Happy Formula—give yourself better feelings, tell yourself better stories, and act on your inner knowing

. The Permission Principle—the reason people aren’t happier more of the time isn’t because they can’t be— it’s because they think they shouldn’t be

. Three-Step Recipe for Happiness and Well-Being— on demand, anytime you want

. Behavioral Prozac™—ten small changes in the way you think and what you do that will have a profound effect on your well-being

Order your copy of Feel Happy Now! and discover that there is always something you can do to make things better. Send Michael your receipt and he’ll send you a link to a collection of ‘Happy’ downloads. Order 5 or more and he’ll send you a signed copy of his new 6-CD set Effortless Success absolutely free!

Your Keys to Happiness from Michael Neill’s Feel Happy Now! Happiness is the process of creating and experiencing good feelings in your body and mind, moment by moment by moment.

While in theory happiness makes us feel wonderful, in practice it enables us to create a more and more wonderful life. The three tools we use to build our happiness—the way we use our body, the maps we make in our minds, and the stories we tell ourselves— are the same tools we employ to make ourselves miserable. Once you master the process, you get to choose the result.

As you learn to stop arguing with reality, let go of trying to control what’s outside of your control, and start making clear choices about how you want to be and behave in the world, you’ll find yourself with less stress and greater serenity than ever before.

…perhaps the greatest secret in life is this: There is nothing wrong with you. Except for the stories you may be telling yourself about how you’re supposed to be, what you’re supposed to be doing, and who you’re supposed to (or not supposed to) be doing it with, you are perfect exactly as you are.

…it isn’t just what we do when we’re happy, but our happiness itself that makes a difference in the world.

Occasionally, someone will ask whether using these tools will mean that they’ll never feel unhappy again. Fortunately, the answer is no—I’ve yet to come across a lasting, meaningful happiness that doesn’t include the full spectrum of experience and emotion. But I know for myself the joy of a life that gets better and better as I become happier and happier.

Praise for Michael’s book, Feel Happy Now!P…for Michael Neill and Feel Happy Now! ‘Warning! As you read this book you will experience many immediate positive side effects, including gentle smiles and greater happiness. Michael Neill evokes intimacy and hope in every chapter!’

— Robert Holden, Ph.D., author of Happiness NOW!

‘What Michael Neill has to say works. Read this book and feel happy!’

— Candace B. Pert, Ph.D., best-selling author of Everything You Need To Know To Feel Go(o)d

‘All I say is IT’S ABOUT TIME! Michael Neill has directed the process of change in the direction that works. It should be a lesson to everyone who wants to change lives—happiness is where we need to go. Michael lays out the what and the how in an easy-to-use format. Not just good reading, but good living.’

— Dr. Richard Bandler, behavioral technologist and co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

‘Michael Neill has written a simple roadmap to understanding everything you need to know about feeling happy… It is an effective and entertaining guide that deals with issues that one would normally consider to be hard and heavy. If you are depressed, think you could be feeling down, or simply just want a better quality of life, this book is your essential guide.’

— Oli Barry, BAFTA and Grierson Award-winning director of Bye Bye Happiness

‘Michael Neill is a genius in making the accumulated wisdom of his own and humanities’ search for happiness available to busy, modern, and often stressed-out Westerners. This book gives you profound yet eminently practical ways for realizing spontaneous joy and deep fulfillment. I highly recommend it.’

— Dr. Peter Fenner, author of Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Presence and Intrinsic Freedom

‘This book is a brimming, practical miracle! What a spot- on distillation of exactly what we each need to practice to cultivate a lighthearted life.’

— Jennifer Louden, best-selling author of The Woman’s Comfort Book

‘Michael Neill is the finest success coach in the world today. The time I’ve spent reading and rereading Michael’s work has made a remarkable difference to my success, happiness, and well-being. I have recommended it to everyone I know who is genuinely interested in self-improvement.’

— Paul McKenna, best-selling author of Change Your Life in 7 Days

To read the Preface and Introduction to Feel Happy Now!, visit:

I couldn’t be happier about suggesting you part with some of your hard earned cash! Go buy Michael’s book now!

In Joy, Rhonda


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