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Rhonda Hull



‘Abracadabra, boom boom kashoom’ was the phrase my kids always used when calling for the dramatic pause before magic outcome happened. Being a word-smith I was surprised to learn that ‘abracadabra’ actually was Hebrew for “I create what I speak.”

Like magic, sometimes we can’t believe what is before our very eyes. We resist both the good as well as the not-so-great. We live through the circumstances we encounter as things that are happening to us rather than as a relationship we have with life. We loose sight of the part we play and the world we create unconsciously with our words. If we believe ourselves to be a victim of life we think it’s all our fault or at the other extreme think it is the fault of anyone but us.

Last February a delightful opportunity came my way to move to a precious spot on a bluff that overlooks the Strait of Juan de Fuca in the Northwest from the San Juan Islands all the way across Whidbey Island, crowned by Mount Baker and the Cascade mountain range that acts as the back drop. It was an amazing unfolding of ‘magic’ that lead me here, and a story for another time.

After an amazing Spring and Summer, the days here grow shorter and Fall begins settles in with thoughts of the winter that will follow. I have seen these sturdy trees reflecting the different seasons stand confidently teetering on the edge of uncertainty. I continue to bow to them as mentors and have mindfully observed them go from barely buds to magnificently huge leaves that are now falling in brilliant colors to bare the branches again.

I feel so blessed to live in an amazing Victorian seaside community on what my kids call ‘the edge of the earth.’ A little over 2 hours from Seattle this community moves at a slower pace and is full of history, great coffee, ferries, and good people retired and young who are artists, boat-lovers, film-lovers, nature- lovers, some old and new hippies, and some more counter-culture who live off the grid. Now living with an expansive and unobstructed 180 degree view (except for these three huge trees that offer a play structure for the raccoons) and witness to the circle of life embellished in this setting, I at first found myself tempted to say, “I don’t believe it!” or “How did I get so lucky?”

And yet I DO know. Luck is when opportunity meets action. It calls for a dance between my head and my heart. It requires that we stretch for a congruence by being mindful of our thoughts, words and actions.

Fortunately I have developed a sense of the power of my words (and the thoughts and feelings that precede them) and understand that the ‘magic’ that is involved is far more than merely magical thinking. To call in this place I asked over and over not for a specific place, but for the feeling it would bring, not from a place of scarcity, but from a place of imagining it as possible. I felt it in every cell of my body and at the same time almost forgot about it, always ready to respond when the little voice within offered guidance. I let go of having to have such a place as a prerequisite for being happy. I fully loved the place I was in while calling in something better. I also realized I had to reshape and expand my ability to receive, to say yes when the opportunity came along. And now that I am here it is important that I appreciate that I am, but not grasp too tight. It is my opportunity to savor every moment I have here rather than drifting to a future possibility of when I might not be here or into past moments that might tell me it’s not possible. Each morning when I am greeted by the should of the sun and lapping tide below, I recommit is my daily work to make each moment matter in basic and simple ways.

We seem to want to play it safe. We cling to our comfort zone. We overthink things and always seem to make life more complicated than it needs to be.

Emerson reminds us to:

There is no ‘there’ there. Only now.

I celebrate every sunrise, sunset, windy day, rainbow and fog bank off my bluff. I consciously have changed my statement of gratitude from disbelief to one of, “This or something better” and “How does it get better than this?” Both of these revised prayers have helped me not to get attached, but to embrace that being on this bluff is a gift and that, for now, I am the one privileged to be here as its ambassador. It is amazing that even here amidst this constant barrage of nature and beauty it is tempting to miss the miracle of each moment, and so I I make it my daly practice to enjoy this place fully, consciously, and generously.

I came to this amazing community in the Northwest on a dare and have been here for 13 years. It saved my life. Port Townsend calls people to her. Come see it for yourself!

If you are ready to break free of your rut and take a life-changing adventure, just let me know. We have any number of sweet B&B’s close by that would welcome your visit. I would be delighted to act as your tour-guide not only around town, but deep into your heart to reconnect with who you are, get clear on what matters most, and help you redefine the life you choose to live.

During your stay we will spend several intensive mentoring hours together here on my bluff, and you will also have ample time to adventure solo and immerse yourself in all that Port Townsend has to offer. If you are interested, contact me and we find the way. Rain or shine, windy, mild or cold, regardless of the weather or the circumstances, the ‘magic’ is still here. There is no more accepting place to ask big and deep questions, surrender old thoughts, activate all your senses, get away from the buzz and busy-ness than a retreat to my bluff in Port Townsend.

Does this spark a sense of excitement in you? Do you feel called to step into this adventure with a daring sense of possibility, even though all your linear thoughts tell you that you can’t for a bizillion different reasons? I dare you to listen to your heart rather than your head. Give me a call and we will create the mutually convenient time on our calendars, whether before or after the holidays.

Most women are long over-due for some TLC. Self-love is the missing piece (peace) to living a life that matters. You need not wait to live a joy-filled life. If you are depleted and know that somehow there must be something more, have lost clarity about your reason for being, keep it all bottled inside because you fear being judged, or just need a break from it all to quiet your mind, do something out of the ordinary, and would welcome a supportive place where you can settle into your soul for a few days, I feel called to be your safe place to land, explore your life as your creative play-mate, and share this healing spot with you.

Go ahead and say yes without thinking too much. You will gift yourself immeasurably by trusting your intuition.

Whether here or there, choose to use your words consciously. Focus on all the blessings in life even if they are hidden deeply in cracks, Embrace each day choosing to believe the Universe is friendly and you will discover that happiness is possible regardless of your circumstances.

Happy Abracadabra,

P.S. Don’t forget that I am an artist/calligrapher who disguised and repressed that part of myself for far too long.’Tis that season again, and I would love nothing more than creating for you a unique and personalized Christmas/Holiday gift for someone you treasure. Whether a scroll or whatever meaningful expression you choose, I would be delighted toad meaning to your holiday gifts.

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