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Charming Flowers Amidst Tragedy

Rhonda Hull

“During the years of Buchenwald and Auschwitz,” he said, “Matisse painted the most charming flowers and fruit that were ever made. That’s why today they still speak more eloquently than the most macabre description of the period. Their creator was faithful not to the tragedy but to the reaction that tragedy kindled in his conscience.”

— Source: Odysseus Elytis, translated by Theophanis Stavrou: Books Abroad, Volume 49, no 4, Autumn 1975

It is so easy to react to the tragedies of life with despair and hopelessness, and then what we focus on generates more of the same. We must dare to step out of reacting to the disasters and detours and very consciously respond instead. If not, we are only compounding what is not working.

Despite the dark that seems to be so prevalent, transformation calls for us to commit instead to seeing beauty and positive possibilities. There is abundance that our focus on lack prevents us from seeing. If we are to transform war to peace and heal from the inevitable heartaches that are a part of life, we must adjust our perspective to see that love is the answer to every question. We must not deny darkness, but celebrate the light. In doing so, we expand the light that dissolves darkness

MY SHORT-CUT TODAY: Today I focus on and notice the flowers, even in the cracks in the sidewalk. I am faithful to respond rather than react to tragedy and setbacks. In so doing I reveal and emphasize the beauty in life.

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