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Rhonda Hull

CoH Newsletter – October 7th, 2014

Dear Wonderful Ones:

I have chosen to reprint my article “Not Enoughness” this week because of a You Tube video I just saw that reminds me that as women, we know… behind our doubts and misconceptions, we know our worth and are hungry to embrace it. Beneath the layers of the untrue stories placed as judgment’s upon us even with good intentions, these untruths taught us to see limitations rather than our beauty, and beneath our longing to be affirmed by another – often the one least able to give it – we are awakening to what we have always been, the truth that we are enough, and that our own sense of it needs to be enough. We are enough simply because we breathe.

All of us were raised on fairy tales that kept us small. Some of us still wait for the Prince to rescue us. Some still believe that all the evil step sisters and voices like theirs tell us is true. We effort to meet the unrealistic expectations of others, and some can’t even stand to see their image in the mirror.

Well, this give a whole new meaning to “Mirror, mirror on the wall…

Watch this:

I’m Enough

The Mrs.

‘Not Enoughness’ Epidemic (article reprint)

There seems to be an epidemic of “not-enough-ness” going around. It drains enthusiasm, depletes joy, expands shame, festers guilt, depresses happiness, and under-minds a healthy sense of self. Anxiety prevails when we forget to love ourselves as much as we love others.

Symptoms of this dreaded “dis-ease” include the habit of “should-ing” all over our self. Our inner and outer conversations include disabling comments like, “I should’ have done more. I ‘should’ have done better, I ‘should’ have made better decisions, I ‘should’ have done it faster, etc., etc.” Sound familiar?

When we REDUCE SPEED and slow down enough to listen to our mind chatter we often are surprised at how harsh we find our conversation is with our self. It is amazing how numb we become, not even aware of our self-deprecating thoughts and even believing we deserve them. Would you ever consider talking to a dear friend with such discouraging words? We need clarify our expectations and decide to become our own best friend.

Here are a few steps to change your direction from ‘not-enough-ness’ back to the happiness of knowing our own magnificence.

1. Trust your heart.

The expectations of others often become our paramount reason for detouring from knowing what we want and honoring who we are. Check in with what is in your heart and trust it. Wisdom comes from the inside-out. Balance your expectations with those of others rather than being driven to fill the expectations of others to the exclusion of your own needs. Determine your values and move in their direction as the guide for making your decisions. Soften your expectations of yourself by assessing your progress not measured by what you accomplish, but by the quality of character you apply on your journey.

2. Listen and communicate with your heart.

Communication is far more about listening than merely waiting for your turn to speak. It is more about being happy than being right. It is about standing in the shoes of another rather than insisting that they see things your way. Choose to listen first and communicate beyond words, for our words are only 3 – 7% of our complete communication. So much depends on what is being said beyond words through body language, intonation, and even what is not said. Compassion is an essential ingredient for authentic communication and a certain tool for deep and durable relationships.

3. Feed your heart.

We pay so much more attention to eating healthy and exercising to keep our body fit but neglect taking time to feed out heart and soul. Everything else seems to come first and then there seems to be no time left, leaving us feeling spiritually and emotionally empty. It’s not a wonder we crave something, and use food to fill the void. Each morning we rise with the news, we invite it as our companion on the way to work, we consume our dinner with the news as our mealtime companion, and then and, we wonder why we are down, afraid, and discouraged? Happiness becomes possible as we learn to focus on what is working rather than on what is not. Be more selective about what you allow to invade your thoughts and influence your consciousness. Choose to shape your perception and attitude by noticing wonderful things and simple wonders that inspire you to be more authentic and kind.

4. Happiness is a choice.

To nourish your heart, dissolve your ‘not-enough-ness’ and elevate your happiness:

  1. Trust in your magnificence.

  2. Smile more. 

  3. Do random acts of kindness. 

  4. Transform negative thinking to a positive focus.

  5. Verbalize your gratitude

  6. Count your blessings. 

  7. Balance your ability to give and receive.

  8. Let mistakes be opportunities to learn.

  9. Choose peace.

  10. Give yourself permission to enjoy life!

Allow me to be your mirror. Let me remind you that you, indeed, are enough. You are powerful, amazing, talented, patient, kind, strong, resilient, daring, spiritual, compassionate, intuitive, tender, bold and beauty-FULL..

Contact me HERE ( ) if you are ready to live life fully by discovering who you truly are when seen through the filter of being… ENOUGH. It’s time to give YOURSELF permission and set yourself free.


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