APA and Positive Psycholgy (www.apa.org) The Positive Psychology Initiative at the American Psychological Association and positive psychology listserve.
Character Counts (www.charactercounts.org) Character Counts is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian character education framework that teaches the Six Pillars of Character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. The Character Counts Coalition includes thousands of schools, communities and nonprofit organizations.
Human Happiness: Its Nature and Its Attainment (www.gethappy.net) Dr. Fordyce has recently published an on line book called Human Happiness: Its Nature and Its Attainment. He is one of the foremost experts in researching happiness academically. His book has two volumes, the first explains the nature, emotion, and personality about happiness and the second has his formula on how to attain your maximum level of happiness. His writing style is fun and easy to ready yet still maintains the academic rigor we all respect and trust. We are extremely grateful for Dr. Fordyce’s contribution to the happiness movement!
The Happiness Club (www.happinessclub.com) What is the Happiness Club? It is an organization with the mission to promote the benefits of being happy through meetings, newsletters, and an informative web site, to the people in our community, and around the world.
Authentic Happiness (www.authentichappiness.com) On your journey to Authentic Happiness, make use of this site to track your progress. You can take any of the questionnaires from the book Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment.
The World Database of Happiness (http://www1.eur.nl/fsw/happiness/) Thank goodness for Ruut Veenhoven who collected and organized all of this helpful information.
Bay Area Hoopers (www.hooping.org) Hooping makes people happy!
Compliments of: www.happyzone.com