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Newsletter – June 28th, 2016

Rhonda Hull

Dear Ones,

I LOVE my grandson, Brody, who experiences autism. He is very much like the little boy in this article.

I am a caregiver, an advocate and VERY happy to be Brody’s Grandma Tutu. On behalf of the growing number of caregivers, please take the time to read this story about Jack, and allow it to allow you to love kids like Brody and Jack, too. We are being called to love and accept our differences and still find common ground.

Most recent statistics tell us that 1 in 48 kids are now on the autistic spectrum. It is projected to be i in 2 by 2025.

So many reasons why, and way too many to address here.

Being impacted by the spectrum is becoming a new ‘normal’ and therefore a challenge and opportunity we all face. Whether we realize it or not, we are all caregivers in one form or another of these children, whether as parents or bystanders.

Autism stresses our health care system, service agencies and our educational system. There is a growing impact on all of us economically, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. If we drill down, we find a common thread that links autism, asthma, cardiac issues, Alzheimer’s, dementia, cancer, and any other auto-immune related challenge. What are we to do?

Listen for your calling. Mine is to care for and unconditionally love my two grandson’s on the spectrum, always acknowledging their worth and advocating for their well-being within a broken system. Mine is also to care for the caregivers, leaning forward to see possibilities even when there appear to be none. I know first hand the challenges they face.

Autism used to be something you seldom heard of and now it is only a conversation away. It is INCREDIBLY demanding of and draining for the parents, family, siblings and caregivers stretching to serve, love and reach their extra-special person. And within these obstacles are disguised many blessings for those who have the eyes to see.

Siblings of Kids on the Spectrum

Fortunately, I have two AMAZING daughters who ‘get it.’ They have become bridge-builders ti help us all become aware of the gifts these wonderful kids bring to us all. Although patience wears thin, they continue to do an amazing job.

Please expand your compassion, look for the blessings, and appreciate that these kids are here to think beyond limitations. It was Einstein who said that:

I believe he is right, and I believe that our kids on the spectrum are our wonderful ‘canaries in the coal mine’ to open the door to new perceptions, deeper compassion, and new vistas.


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