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Rhonda Hull

Precious Present Moment

Precious Present Moment

We make life so much harder than it needs to be! We get so distracted trying be or do more in the future or by trying to change a past that no longer exists. The present moment is the most precious thing there is, and yet statistics indicate that we are fully in the present moment only about 8% of the time. The rest of our time is spent worrying about what has already happened that we cannot change or being anxious about all the possible future outcomes that may never happen.

I have often wondered what life was like before we were forced from present moment savoring by alarm clocks. About a hundred years ago the information experienced over two years is comparable to what we now are expected to process each day!Time saving conveniences held the promise of extra time for our own enjoyment, but instead we applied our ‘saved’ moments to running faster and accomplishing more. Many of us have accumulated more things with less time to enjoy them. Research indicates we are none the happier. With good intentions, we unconsciously morphed into human DOings, too often forgetting how to be human BEings.

Women, especially, are masters of multi-tasking. We have learned to take great pride in the label, often promote it as an asset on our resume, measure our worth compared to the ‘doing-ness’ abilities of others, yet often as a result we will nurture ourselves last. We put off something that brings us joy just because we didn’t plan for it, are too rigid to depart from our routine, and are too exhausted even if we did. We fear that slowing down will be counterproductive to our success and that being happy will render us a non-productive and complacent lump on the couch.

Not the case. In fact, calming down, nurturing ourselves more, and developing a greater awareness of our choices will do just the opposite. By becoming more centered we renew our creative spirit, are more productive, more compassionate, more insightful, have greater self-confidence, expanded creativity, and are better decision-makers in all areas of our life. We also become a heck of a lot nicer to be around! And, what boss would not want these people in their employ? What partner would not want this as the one they love? What person would not want this for them self?

Remember, life is not a race. It is a journey. It is not meant to be a demolition derby, but a joy ride. What we make of each moment is our choice. Dare to slow down. It is in taking the time to fill your empty tank by valuing the present moment that you will actually move through life with greater joy regardless of the twists and turns.

Rest assured that the greatest gift you can offer another human being is to take full accountability and responsibility for your own happiness. So, what are you waiting for? What will you savor today? What simple pleasure will you take time to enjoy?



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