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Rhonda Hull

Reflections on LOVE for Wonder Women

Reflections on LOVE for Wonder Women

Dear Ones,

Women are meant to be wonder-full… Full of wonder. To have the energy to even notice wonders, big and small, we must first cultivate our ability to love ourselves as much as we love others.

As we further explore the traits of Wonder Women let us pause to celebrate self-love. Every February, across the country and around the world, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine, all to honor love. I found it interesting to explore the history of Valentine’s Day a bit before writing about this special day. If you want to learn more, too, take a look:’s_Day

Though for many Valentine’s Day seems like a holiday manufactured by Hallmark, I choose it as an opportunity to be grateful that a day has been set aside inviting us to reflect on love. Opening to love is a key ingredient to knowing deep happiness, the kind that exists beyond things and endures even when we are gone.

So, what is love? It is so much more that remembering to bring flowers or sending a card.

Love is heartfelt and pure. It is playful and direct. It dares to be vulnerable and reveal faults trusting they will be forgiven. It is the safe place we explore and reveal our boldest, strongest self. It is the soft place we can admit our weariness, confusion and express our doubts.

Authentic love is a willingness to learn from our mistakes. It is freedom rather than restriction, and a bond rather than bondage. It calls for encouragement rather than judgment. It is tenderness, anticipation, truth, kindness, flexibility, and acceptance. It nurtures true listening, honors silence, and demands an honest answer. It allows the sharing of laughter and sadness. It puts happiness above being right and is committed to finding the path through challenges. It is a hug held until connection is made, a sigh that says it all, a tolerance of silence, and a welcoming harbor for the unexpected process of personal growth. Love is innocent and wise. It is a reflection of the Divine from the inside out.

Authentic love encompasses and encourages self-love grown from an awareness that our happiness is the greatest gift of love we can give another. And yet, loving our self and cultivating our own joy is too often overlooked in favor of finding our fulfillment through another and attempting to keep up with the unrealistic expectations of our circumstances. Effortful caring, controlling, worry, and loving others at the expense of our own well being makes the love we offer them more of a liability than an asset. The mis-belief that you cannot be whole without another is co-dependent love. It is only an illusion of what we long for. Coercing someone into being who we want him or her to be comes from fear, not connection. Love holds gently in a way that strengthens the bond created, and lets go willingly for the highest and best for all.

As a non-denominational minister I feel honored to be a part of significant life events. One is officiating at weddings. Some couples I see walk through the motions of commitment far more focused on the dress or the cake than the intentions of the words they express to one another. The words exchanged are each couples definition of love, and their blueprint for their journey through life together. Some couples I feel to my core mean what they say and offer one another their wholeness, while others instead offer their unfinished business and unrealistic expectations. Some are playing out the fairy tale rather than consciously designing a durable love because they failed to love themselves first. Love also teaches, offers opportunities for growth, and stretches us. And my mom always said, “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.”

Rob Breszny is someone who doesn’t take himself too seriously. He is a fun and provocative writer considered by some as a renegade genius whose syndicated Free Will Astrology column runs in 130 newspapers nation-wide. I get a kick out of his ability to challenge ordinary thinking. He has also written a fun read, Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia, in which he poses fresh possibilities in a chapter, I Me Wed. Here he emphasizes that loving yourself first is a pre-requisite for loving another authentically. Ron suggests that, “Because none of us is ever likely to find our perfect partner until we master the art of loving ourselves with great ingenuity, a self-wedding ritual can be the transformative magic that induces the arrival of a challenging new consort into our lives, or else brings the renaissance of an existing intimate relationship.”

I find this an idea worth pondering. Would you marry you? Have you taken the time to learn to enjoy your own company? Have you come to know and accept your unique gifts? Have you taken full accountability and responsibility for your own joy? Do you love yourself in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer? Have you ever looked boldly in the mirror, cherishing whom you see and offering gratitude for the person reflected before you, flaws and all?

My favorite prayer is, “Dear God, Help me accept the truth about my self, no matter how magnificent it is.”

It is essential that we come to a place of understanding that self-love doesn’t mean the kind of selfish love that excludes. This kind of self-centeredness is self-absorbed and insensitive, not genuine. At a higher degree of consciousness and with a clearer intention being self-centered means being centered within our self. Loving from the inside out. Loving from our insight-out. We then become a true gift to another. This is the love that heals, builds bridges, and makes peace possible. Love becomes our presence. Love is being fully present.

If, on this Valentines Day you were to wed yourself, celebrating your own magnificence by writing yourself a love letter of appreciation and to promise forever to cherish yourself being fully authentic and committed to your well being, what would you say?

I invite you to give it a try. What holds you back? Why do you resist? Commitment to another is a big step, but what about that commitment to our self!? It is important we be what we long for.

A reminder to which I return to often for inspiration was written by a woman I admire for her tenacity and bold insights. She colors outside the lines and dares to offer her powerful feminine voice. Marianne Williamson, author (A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles), speaker, and spiritual advocate, challenges us to love, honor and cherish our self through these awakening words:

The journey of happiness calls for crossing the bridge of self-doubt by loving our self as much as we love others. On this special day that we unite in the celebration of love, let your commitment be to love YOU. Dare to stretch your ability to love your self first to in order to authentically fill the cup from which you love others.

As a happiness advocate and by the power invested in my by my Authentic Self, and knowing your Higher Self is equally wonderful, I now pronounce you married to your own magnificence. You may now let go of all your limiting beliefs and love your True Self.

In Joy,

P.S. Invitation to Share…


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Rhonda Hull, as founder of the The Center of Happiness, an online community for women and those who love them, is like a mother-mentor-friend-spiritual activist-sounding board and soul-sister who ‘gets it.’ She is that relentlessly accepting someone we wish we could turn to turn to when we feel over-whelmed, our doubts kick in and life seems to tough to handle alone.

As a speaker, author, story-teller, mentor, artist and matriarch who knows first hand that life is too short to not dare to live fully present, Rhonda shares from the heart of her experience and has a remarkable ability to connect authentically with both individuals and large groups, tailoring her message for every audience. As would a trustworthy friend, Rhonda nudges us to embrace the unique wisdom, courage and magnificence within each of us and she stands certain that women activating self-love is the missing piece (peace).

Do you know someone whose heart might be uplifted by the Rhonda’s insights from The Center of Happiness? If so, please feel free to forward this to whomever you like, or send them to Rhonda’s website:

Thank you!


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