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Rhonda Hull



Dear Ones,

No matter where you live, as we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States I invite you to savor this moment as a reminder to notice all there is to be thankful for, give yourself permission to receive as much as you give, and give generously to others as well as yourself as a way of acknowledging the abundance all around you. Focusing our energy and attention on all that is good despite challenging circumstances within and beyond the boarders of the United States is the greatest gift we can offer. Gratitude and generosity are keys to healing and our insistence on seeing possibilities regardless of our circumstances is what will create and sustain durable happiness.

So, for what do I give THANKS this year? Oh so much…

  1. I have 2 amazing daughters, 2 nieces, 4 grandchildren, 2 grandnephews, and a sister who offer me constant support and love. Together with grace we continue to maneuvered the aftermath of cancer and autism. 

I treasure dear friends who hold my kite string, inspire my art, and nudge me to live boldly. 

  1. I live on a bluff in Port Townsend, WA with 180 degree water view from every window and every day witness the antics of raccoons, eagles, deer, the change of seasons, and nature at its finest. 

  2. I live in a safe place, as do my kids and grandkids, nieces and grandnephews surrounded with love and support.

  3. I have a circle of friends and health practitioners who help me maneuver strengthening my health.

  4. I have and share the peace of knowing that happiness is possible regardless of the circumstances.

  5. I am blessed to have freedom and am commitment to living from the inside out with peace as my compass.

  6. I have a treasured spiritual community to lean on and share with. 

And these are only a few…

And, what have I been GIVING this year?

  1. More of my art and that creative part of me that I have kept inactive.

  2. My prayers and contributions where I feel called.

  3. My writing and speaking to expand the awareness of the magnificence of all women and the resilience and wisdom of this facing persistent challenges. 

  4. My authentic self as best I can, being fully present in all that I do, and my conscious intention to live each moment wholeheartedly. 

  5. My knowing that we can be happy regardless of the circumstances when we recognize that we are not victims, and that we can choose joy rather than be pulled down by our negative thinking by living from the inside out with a deep spiritual connection to guide me

I invite you to take a moment to share your THANKS and your GIVINGS. Not often enough do we take the time to acknowledge and offer our appreciation to those who matter to us. Offering our thanks and our love expands us and serves others. It creates the flow of thanks and giving…of Thanksgiving. Celebrate all your blessings, big and small, and share them all from your heart.

At a time that seems like all the pressures and worries of the world are upon us, it makes it even more important to vision joy, notice simple pleasures, and focus on all that is working. This is our greatest gift and is essential to creating joy and peace on earth. I offer you my heartfelt gratitude, and will continue to give you my conscious growth as we travel the road of life together.

In Gratitude,


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