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The Miracle…

Dear Family, Friends and Loved Ones,

Tomorrow, September 27th, a miracle will happen… a very conscious miracle. Connor will receive a donation of pure love, pure connection of heart from a 34 year-old woman from Europe we know little about in the form of her bone marrow. We do know that this young woman is willing to gift Connor with possibility. We all voice our gratitude!

Our happiness is our responsibility, even at times like this one when fear knocks.

“When fear knocked, faith answered, and no one was there.” — Old English Proverb

The greatest gift we can give another is being accountable and responsible for our own joy. We call on a sense of knowing that all is well regardless of the circumstances. Seeing the magic in each precious present moment allows us to see beyond the limits of our circumstances and limiting beliefs and allows us to gain strength from the unexpected miracles that exist in even the most challenging times.

This journey has brought together a huge family of support. What we focus on expands, so let us join in showering love on all who have been and will be remotely or directly a part of Connor’s transplant tomorrow. See Connor’s body receiving this pure love in the form of bone marrow from an angel across the pond, and envision it being welcomed by Connor’s body for rapid rejuvenation and healing. Feel the joy this woman feels knowing she has done a noble thing. Imagine the courage of Steve and Alicia as they cradle Connor through this experience. Let time transform. Bless each caregiver, family, friend and stranger, that comes to assist them and to help care for Carson. Hold the hands of the grandma’s and grandpa’s who ache to see thier children and grandchildren walk this uncertain path. Celebrate the love and flow of resources present that will eventually carry this family home to Alaska to a house easily prepared to accommodate for Connor’s transitioning immune system. Trust the Mystery to offer faith, hope, and courage that we dance with and surrender to with grace whatever is meant to be for our highest and best. Together our compassion and connection grows as we experience community and as we walk together on this journey with Connor.

Here is Alicia’s current ,and oh so inspiring update. Breathe in this sacred miracle and know you are an essential part.

XXOO, Rhonda


From Alicia and the Dunham family…

Hello to all,

Back in July when we found out Connor was going to need a bone marrow transplant and September seemed to be an eternity away. And now here we sit in our hospital room only hours from one of the biggest moments of our life.

Connor checked into Childrens Hospital Monday the 18th and was started on fluids to make sure he was fully hydrated for radiation Tuesday morning. We had to go the University of Washington to receive radiation and since he was feeling good Steve and I were able to drive him. I didn’t think it was going to be as hard as it was for me to start this next phase but as they sedated him to start the procedure I was in a whirlwind of emotions. I was crying both tears of joy and anxiety knowing that there was no turning back once the radiation began. Connor did great! He had a total of 8 sessions over 4 days. Since he is so small they had to sedate him each time to ensure he would not move. This meant no eating or drinking from 3am till about 4pm and although Connor was not to happy about this, he did wonderful. We were warned that the radiation would make him tired and not want to eat and that he would probably need to be started on I.V. nutrition by the start of the weekend. Well here we are Tuesday and even though he is not as active as he was just days ago, he still wants to go for walks, plays basketball and has even been able to maintain his weight well enough to not need I.V. nutrition yet. The doctors are impressed every morning at how well he is doing. Today is a rest day with no major events planned and the transplant still on schedule for sometime Wednesday. No one can tell us what to expect after the transplant because everyone’s timeline of events are different but the doctors expect that the marrow will start to engraft 10-20 days after transplant.

The rest of us are doing well and are all adjusting to hospital living. Steve took the first week of hospital “duty” and enjoyed spending the extra time one on one with Connor while he has been feeling good. This week is my turn. I think one of the most difficult things for me while Connor is in the hospital is finding balance between being with him, spending time with Carson and finding time for myself without feeling guilty about where I am at. I know that Carson is surrounded by love no matter where he so it makes it a little easier when I am at the hospital for long hours. Carson had his 9 month well baby check up yesterday and passed with flying colors. He weights 22.7 lbs and is 30 inches tall. He learned how to wave bye-bye this week and is working on getting a few more teeth.

I was recently asked “What is the most important thing you have learned so far in this adventure?” It is hard for me to answer this question with just one thing because this whole experience has changed me so much in many ways. I have questioned every aspect of my life since we have been here and have become a better person because of it. Children are amazing! I see this everyday, and even though I would never wish for any family to have to experience this, I do think you should spend sometime with a child who has cancer and see how they look at life. They live in the moment and know how to embrace everything that life has to offer. It will truly teach you that on a daily basis we don’t take enough time to enjoy life. As adults we get caught up in work, money, and material possessions and forget to take pleasure in all the wonderful things that surround us. Everyday I see how wonderful God is and without being forced to turn to him in this time of need I don’t think I would have truly experienced His splendor.

I am not sure what time Connor’s transplant will be on Wednesday but I ask that you hold us close to your hearts, lift him up in prayer, and take a few minutes to enjoy what life has to offer as we all take this next big step.

All our love, The Dunham’s Steve, Alicia, Connor and Carson

Alicia R. Dunham

5130 40th Ave NE

Seattle WA 98105

206-838-0888 Seattle Home

907-232-4629 Alicia Cell

907-232-1206 Steve Cell ID:Dunham- Password:unique-book

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