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The Prayer of Thank You

Rhonda Hull

“If the only prayer you ever said was ‘Thank You’, that would be enough.” — Meister Eckhart

Humble and authentic gratitude is indeed a powerful prayer. To be grateful for not only big things, but simple blessings can carry us beyond challenging circumstances with a greater sense of contentment.

One of the greatest heartaches we feel is a lack of acknowledgement. Too seldom are we fully appreciated for our contributions and not often enough do we appreciate the gifts of others sent our way. Yet, it is these simple gestures that grows true happiness and expands our sense of worth. Gratitude, given and received, heals these wounds of ‘not enoughness’ and paves the path to a greater happiness. It is an essential key to happiness.

Gratitude must come from the heart and should not be offered as a way to initiate something being offered in return. The amazing thing is that when a heart-felt ‘thank you’ is given without strings, it magically offers a huge return. Giving really is receiving.

MY SHORT-CUT TODAY: Today I offer thanks in abundance. I notice each kind gesture, big and small from the sweet scent of fresh flowers and an available parking space to business referrals or expensive gifts. I am grateful not only for the gifts and kindness I receive from others, but know it is important that I be grateful for myself, knowing and appreciating my worth.

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