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Rhonda Hull

Wrap Autism in a Blanket of Love (Reprinted article to highlight Autism Awareness month)

Dear Ones,

April as Autism Awareness Month may come to a close, however it is essential we not loose our focus on making friends with this spectrum challenge since now 1-68 kids are coming in on the spectrum. If it hasn’t already, autism will touch your life. It has mine. I have two amazing grandchildren on the autism spectrum, one with autism and one with ADHD.

With statistics like these I was one of the ones invited to drop everything and respond when it didn’t make sense. As pressing as my professional work seemed, I followed my heart and spent 3 years helping in the care of my grandson with autism.

I thought my role was to help Brody adapt to our reality. I soon realized it was not only about bringing him to our reality as it was learning to see the value in his. It was Albert Einstein who said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”  I suspect this is why Brody is here, and he is brilliantly doing the work he came to do!

With Brody, we are on the mutual quest to expand ways to see possibility where there appears to be none. Together we are doing our part to build the bridge between the ‘neurotypical’ and ‘autistic’ vantage point in a way that acknowledges and celebrates that we are all a unique contribution. When autism doesn’t seem to make sense I remind myself that because of Brody I am more patient, kind, aware, intuitive, and have a greater ability to stand in the shoes of another. The side-benefits of the journey with autism is that I have also become a great lego builder, know the names of all the Thomas the Trains, and can recognize the make and model of any jetliner from afar.

During a recent visit with my grandchildren,  Brody woke up one morning after a bad dream and appeared at my bedside with a quivering lip and tears rolling down his cheeks. He shared that in his dream a wizard had tried to force him to eat a plum, and he said quite definitively, “And, I HATE plums.” Thinking we never thought we would hear this little guy express his emotions, Brody’s upset was bittersweet. We cuddled for awhile, and then later he later shared the dream with his mom. She attempted to console him and told him next time to use his own magic powers. She suggested that he yell at the wizard, and tell him to go far away and not bother our Brody ever again. Brody, nestled in his mom’s protective arms, had further pondered his dream and told his mom, “I have a better idea. If the wizard comes back again, I will wrap the him in a blanket of LOVE instead of yell at him, because that is what the wizard needs most, and then he won’t have to go away.” After all, isn’t this what we all need?

Brody continues to teach us that love truly is the answer to every question. He and all these amazing special needs kids are here fulfilling a very important purpose. They are teaching us that it is through the eyes of love that autism makes sense.

Being a parent or grandparent of a child with autism isn’t easy. Please reach out when you can, and if nothing else stretch to embrace differences and celebrate common ground.


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